First BloodLine Review in The Ileach

Dear all

I am delighted to say that the first formal review of my latest book BloodLine has been published by The Ileach, the independent newspaper for Islay and Jura. Those that have read my books will know that Islay features heavily – and especially in the latest book - so for the local paper to give it a positive review means a lot.

A short excerpt below:

“Bastin has all but perfected the art of carrying several narrative threads simultaneously, gently increasing the need to read ‘just one more chapter' by grasping the reader’s attention over a series of commendably short chapters…… It would be imprudent of me to answer any of the above queries, for so doing would take the form of an undesired 'spoiler alert'. Far better that you acquire a copy and find out for yourself. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.”

Brian Palmer also kindly interviewed me and you can read a little more about the genesis of the series in the attached interview.

Many thanks to Brian Palmer and The Ileach!


BloodBond - the Podcast


BloodLine profiled in Oban Times