

As Gaelic will be an unfamiliar language to many, I have included a glossary and phonetic guide (in italics) to help you understand what the Gaelic means and (roughly!) how to pronounce it. I am once again indebted to Ewen Henderson for his help with the guide to pronunciation.

Beinn (Bain/Bine) - Hill (there are no mountains in the Republic)

Broken man - Someone who has been expelled from their Clan

Labhraiche (Lau-ree-cheh) - Speaker of the Council of Chiefs

Canun - The honour code of the Republic

Cateran – Bandit

Claidheamh dà làimh (Clieyiv da lev)- Two-handed sword

Cliù (Klyu) - Honour

Comhairle (Cor-lyih) - Council of Chiefs

Curaidh Mòr (Cooree More) - Personal bodyguard of Chief

Duine Uasal (Doon-you-asil) - Literally, gentleman - effectively the elite fighting men of the Clan

Eòlaiche Didseatach (Yo-leecheh Didge-tach)  - Digital Expert

Gallowglass – Mercenaries

Griogaraich (Grigoreech) - MacGregors

Pìobaireachd (Peebaruchk) - Classical music of the bagpipe

Riaghaltas (Ree-ultus) - The Parliament of the Republic

Seanchaidh (Shen-achee) - Bard / Senior adviser

Seanadh (Shen-ugh) - Senate

Sgian Dubh (Skee-an dooh)- Black knife

Sgian Aslaich (Skee-an asleech) - Armpit knife

Tapaidh (Tahpee) – Brave / Vigorous / Clever


Alasdair nan Sgàilean (Alasdair nan Skahlen) - Alasdair of the Shadows

An Cù Dubh (An Koo Dooh) - The Black Dog (Bar)

Beinn (Bain/Bine)  - Hill (there are no mountains in the Republic)

Canun - The honour code of the Republic

Cateran – Bandit

Claidheamh dà làimh (Clieyiv da lev) - Two-handed sword

Cliù (Klyu) - Honour

Comhairle (Cor-lyih) - Council of Chiefs

Curaidh Mòr (Cooree More) - Personal bodyguard of Chief

Duine Uasal (Doon-you-asil) - Literally, gentleman - effectively the elite fighting men of the Clan

Dùthcas (Doochus) – Native place, place of belonging

Eilean a' Phrionnsa (Ailan a Freeounsa) - Prince Edward Island (Canada)

Eòlaiche Didseatach (Yo-leecheh Didge-tach)  - Digital Expert

Fìon as deirge dreach (Fee-un as Djaireckeh Drech) - Wine of the reddest hue (tune)

Griogaraich (Grigoreech) - MacGregors

Màla (Mah-luh) - Bagpipe bag

Milltear nam Fiaclan (Meel-chur  nam Fee-achclan) - Tooth smasher (literally Destroyer of the Teeth)

Ministear an Ionmhais (Meeneeshtur an eenuvish) - Finance Minister

Molach (Moluch) – Shaggy (Iain Molach – Shaggy Iain)

Pìobaireachd (Peebaruchk) - Classical music of the bagpipe

Prìomh-Chlàrc a' Bhun-reachd (Preeuv-chlarchk a Vun-rechk) - Chief Clerk of the Constitution

Rannan (Rounan) – Verses

Redshanks – Gaelic mercenaries

Riaghaltas (Ree-ultus) - The Parliament of the Republic

Ruitheam (Ru-yem) - Rhythm

Seanchaidh (Shen-achee) - Bard / Senior adviser

Seanadh (Shen-ugh) - Senate

Sgian Dubh (Skee-an dooh) - Black knife

Sgian Aslaich (Skee-an asleech) - Armpit knife

An Smàladair (An Smaal-adur) – The Extinguisher (fire extinguisher)

Tapaidh (Tahpee) – Brave / Vigorous / Clever

Treòraiche (Tre-aw-reeche)  – Guide / Leader


Alasdair nan Sgàilean (Alasdair nan Skalyen) - Alasdair of the Shadows

Àrd-Bhritheamh – (Aard Vreeyouv) High Adjudicator/Judge

Beinn  (Bain/Bine)  - Hill (there are no mountains in the Republic)

Cailleach (Cal-yuch) – In Gaelic mythology the Cailleach is an aged crone, goddess of winter and weather

Canun - The honour code of the Republic

Canntaireachd (Count-a-ruchk)– The sung notation of Gaelic music, especially Pìobaireachd

Cateran – Bandit

Claidheamh dà làimh (Clieyiv da lev)- Two-handed sword

Cliù (Klyu) - Honour

Comhairle (Cor-lyih) - Council of Chiefs

Creach (Crech) – Cattle raid

Cùirt-Chanun (Coorsht chanun) – The Court of Canun

Curaidh Mòr (Cooree More) - Personal bodyguard of Chief

Duine Uasal (Doon-you-asil) - Literally, gentleman - effectively the elite fighting men of the Clan

Dìoghaltas (Jee-ul-tus) – Vengeance

Gallowglass – Elite fighting unit

Gall-òglach (Ga-oul oglach) – Sword bearer

Gall (Ga-oul) – Foreigner including Lowlanders

Geodha na Las-shuilich (gyaw-ah na las-hooleech) - The Inlet of the Fiery-Eyed

Griogaraich (Grigoreech) - MacGregors

Guga – Young gannet, a gastronomic delicacy for some

Milltear nam Fiaclan (Meel-chur  nam Fee-achclan) - Tooth smasher (literally Destroyer of the Teeth)

Ministear an Ionmhais (Meeneeshtur an eenuvish) - Finance Minister

Pìobaireachd (Peebaruchk) - Classical music of the bagpipe

Prìomh-Chlàrc a' Bhun-reachd (Preeuv-chlarchk a Vun-rechk)- Chief Clerk of the Constitution

Redshanks – Gaelic mercenaries

Riaghaltas (Ree-ultas) - The Parliament of the Republic

Riaghladair (Reeal-uder) – Prison governor

Seanadh (Shen-ugh) – Senate

Seanadairean (Shena-durun) – Senators

Sgian Dubh (Skee-an dooh)- Black knife

Sgian Aslaich (Skee-an asleech) - Armpit knife

Sìol-ghin (shee-ul ghin) – Spunk / semen

An Smàladair (An Smaal-adur) – The Extinguisher (fire extinguisher)

Srùbag (Stroo-back) - Cup of tea

Tagsaidh (Tack-si)  - Taxi

Tapaidh (Tahpee) – Brave / Vigorous / Clever

Treòraiche (Tre-aw-reeche)  – Guide / Leader

Tuig (Took) – Understand